Saturday, December 13, 2008


Rajasthan Elections 2003

Horoscopes gathered from Newspapers

Vasundhara Raje is having Niryan chalit Rahu is in 6th house and Jupiter in 9th house Jupiter Mars exchange in 9th and 10th house.

Ma-Venus Jup Ven
Su Birth Chart



Jupiter and Mars make a very powerful Rajyoga termed as Exchange of house between 9th house & 10th house.This is a very powerful Rajyoga. Rahu is in 7th house but in Niryan chalit it is in 6th house which indicates destruction of enemies which is substantiated by the fact that she became President of Rajasthan BJP by the advent of Rahu's major period.

At the time of elections she would be running Jupiter subperiod in Rahu which is very positive factor.Jupiter is placed in 3rd house from Rahu in Niryan chart and in 4th house in Birth chart.In Navamsa this Jupiter is lord of 9th & 10th house and is placed in 9th house in Scorpio sign once again making a Powerful Rajyoga i.e. Exchange of houses with Mars which is placed in Pisces sign in Navamsa Ascendant.

Moon Saturn exalted in Navamsa.Saturn is Vargottami in Libra. Mars is sign vargottami in Navamsa.Venus is in own sign.Rahu is in friendly sign in 4th house and Ketu is in 10th house. is place exalted in 7th house and Ketu is exalted in 10th house.

Ashok Gehlot Horoscope

Gaj kesari yoga in kendra , Hamsa yoga, Chandra Sani yoga, Budh -Aditya Yoga, Own sign Mars, Venus. Jupiter, Moon, Ketu ,Sun ,Mars ,Mercury, Venus. Sun is lord of 3rd house placed Exalted in 11th house.

NAVAMSA-Aquarius ascendant ,Mercury Rahu in Taurus in 4th house , Jupiter Sun Venus [Debilitated] in Virgo in 8th house and Mars Moon [Debilitated] Ketu in Scorpio in 10th house.Saturn in Own Sign in Capricorn in 12th house.

Thus it is only Mercury, Mars and Saturn which are favorable in Navamsa chart.

He was running Sun Jupiter at the time of 1998 elections and was running a very favorable and excellent Yogini dasa.

In this election he would be running Moon Mars Ketu.Mars is though well placed in both charts but Moon is debilitated in Navamsa and Moon Mars related transit from Natal Moon is not favorble.Similarly Mars ketu are comparatively better placed in both.

Mo-Jup Su-Ma-Me Ven Asc
Rahu Birth Chart




Vasundhara Raje & Ashok Gehlot

*From Moon sign Jupiter,Rahu,Saturn ,Mercury and Venus favourable.

* Mars is average but not negative.

*Mercury,Venus are good.

*From Moon Sign Rahu is average.

Jupiter is average.

Mars,Saturn,Moon are negative

*From Ascendant sign *In transit she is having the favour of Rahu ,Jupiter,Sun

*Mars and Saturn are negative.

*He is having favour of Sun.,Rahu,Jupiter,Venus,Mercury.

Saturn is negative.

Mars average

*From Sun Sign


*In transit she is having the favor of Saturn,Jupiter,Mars,Rahu,Mercury,Venus, Moon,Sun,Ketu.

*Favour of ,Jupiter,Saturn

*Sun, Rahu are negative

Natal Planets *Current transit on the date of polling

*Rahu-Ketu in transit favourable *Rahu-Ketu in transit favourable

*Saturn auspicious and excellent *Saturn in transit unfavourable

*Jupiter better *Jupiter average.

*Sun favorable. *Sun average.

*Moon excellent *Moon average.

*Venus Excellent *Venus average(-)

*Mercury better *Mercury average.

*Mars negative Mars average.
*Dasa Lord Rahu Jupiter running Moon Mars running

*Rahu is having unfavourable transit of ,Jupiter,Mercury,Venus,Rahu, *Moon is having unfavorable transit of Mars,Saturn,Moon,Ketu

*Saturn is mixed *Rahu & Jupiter are average[-].

*Venus and Mercury are favorable
Antardasa Lord *Jupiter is having unfavourable transit of Rahu *Mars is having unfavorable transit of Rahu

*Jupiter ,Mars and Saturn better *Jupiter,Mars,Saturn favorable

*Sun unfavorable. *Sun unfavorable

*Transit of Venus is good *Venus average(+)
Yogini dasa Unfavorable 8478 Average 8455
REMARKS Shri Ashok Gehlot was running the sub period of Sun in Venus and sub sub period of Saturn in Sun from 3rd Oct 03 to 30th Nov 03.Saturn is placed debilitated in 4th house in Oath chart and is in oppositon to Sun in Navamsa chart in 10th house. The analysis above indicates that there is going to be some setback for the congress as far as the no of seats are considered.And Vasundhararaje is going to put a formidable challange to the Congress leadership in the state.

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